For many people, the Fourth of July is synonymous with picnics, family, and fireworks. The thing that isn’t on anyone’s to-do list is getting stuck in traffic on the way to celebrate. Using historical data from Google Maps, we’re providing insight into the best times to get on (or stay off) the road this Independence Day:

We’re seeing only slightly elevated traffic in the days leading up to the holiday, indicating that many folks may be staying local due to the 4th falling midweek. If you’re one of the lucky ones who managed to snag additional days off, the best time to leave before July 4th is on July 3rd in the early morning or the late evening. Afterall, there will still be the typical weekday traffic during the workday.
For the rest of us who’ll be heading to the office on Monday and Tuesday, your best bet is to hit the road on Wednesday morning between 4am and 6am to avoid traffic and maximize the time spent BBQing, poolside, or lounging in your favorite red, white, and blue gear. The worst time to leave is generally mid-afternoon, when people are likely en route to their fireworks destination. Interested in the best time to leave after the fireworks? If you can hold out until after 11:00 PM, you’ll have a better shot at avoiding the post-show traffic jam. Read on for a closer look at the traffic trends and patterns in your city.
When Should I Travel Into
For My Holiday Festivities?
Best Time:
Worst Time:
See how traffic changes on different days
Using 2017 traffic data
Traffic in on
No matter how you're celebrating this year, ditch the traffic and have a very happy 4th of July.